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About  Us

"LLC Avangard Oil" is one of the major producer and supplier of petroleum and petrochemical product Russia federation and abroad. The main production facilities are located in Orenburg region. The company was founded in 2013. The strategic development program of the refinery was approved by the board of directors, is as follows: strengthening the company’s position as a producer of a wide range of oil in the domestic and world markets; turned into a major player in the production and sale of a wide range of petroleum products.

Company History

The history of the oil industry of "LLC Avangard Oil" officially begins in 2013. It was then that an oil field of industrial importance was discovered in the Orenburg city . the era of massive discoveries of oil fields in the republic has come. Development of oil and gas condensate field in the Orenburg region begins. The project is one of the most important in the company’s portfolio, and the flagship of "LLC Avangard Oil" formation development programmed. Commercial production is expected to start in 2024, once underlying geology has been analyzed and clarified, and hydrocarbon processing and transportation infrastructure constructed

Mission Driven

To Realize a Sustainable Society, "LLC Avangard Oil" Continues to Provide Solutions to Real World Needs. We play an important role in providing solutions to a wide range of social and industrial needs, not only in Belaruss and Russian federation but in areas around the world. These businesses include total Oil production, consisting mainly of the oil production, refining, marketing and exploration services of plants and facilities for oil & gas and infrastructure industries.

Our Company Strategy

"LLC Avangard Oil" strategic goal is to strengthen its leading position among global energy companies by diversifying sales markets, ensuring energy security and sustainable development, improving operating efficiency and fulfilling its scientific and technical potential. "LLC Avangard Oil" is unique for enjoying the advantage of being simultaneously an energy producer and supplier owning a potent resource base and a manifold gas transport infrastructure. Due to Russia and Belarussia's geographical location, the company has the potential to become an energy “bridge” between the European and Asian markets by supplying its own natural gas and providing gas transit services to other producers. This predetermines the essence of
the company’s strategy in its key business areas.

In June 2019, the "LLC Avangard Oil" innovative development program until 2025 was approved. The document outlines a package of measures aimed at developing and introducing new technologies, innovative products and services at gas and oil production, transportation and processing facilities, as well as at power plants. The program defines the main lines of action for R&D, design & engineering, and technical efforts in the context of the company’s technological priorities. As a company, we prioritize innovative development and advancement from the technological and organizational standpoints as the key prerequisites for the efficient and sustainable development of the oil and gas sector and Russia's fuel and energy complex at large.  Our company innovative activities include the preparation of prospective plans and programs for sustainable development of the domestic fuel and energy complex, expansion of the feedstock base, and creation of new technologies for efficient production, transportation and processing of natural resources. 

Our Business Services

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Exploration Activity

We ​ensures the efficiency of geological exploration work by deploying state-of-the-art technologies and relying on the experience and expertise of the specialists in its geology department.

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Gas Production

​We ensure that our gas processing plants process the associated petroleum gas are produced into liquid hydrocarbons and marketable gas.

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Oil Drilling Production

​As a company, we consistently implement a Production modernization program, including reconstruction and modernization of its production unit, which
has improved the quality of products.

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Oil Refining

​Our refinery plant produces petroleum products with high-quality performance and environmental characteristics, including motor fuels, aromatics, liquid paraffin, roofing and insulation

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Our Contacts


+375 506 417 731
+375 987 521 032

+7 926 342 6681


Legal Office Address

17 Al-Farabi Avenue, Bostandyk district, Almaty, Kazakhstan Republic.

34-3, pom 8, Nezhiloe pomeshchenie, 
Brestskaya street, Minsk, 220099, Belarus.

Working Hours

Monday - Friday:  9:00am - 19:00pm
Saturdays: 9:00am - 16:00pm

Russia Office:
443095, Samara region, Samara city, Tashkent str., 151, sq. 59
+7 926 342 6681

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