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Environment Protection

Caring for the environment is an integral part of the corporate culture and social responsibility of "LLC Avangard Oil", the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest public oil and gas company in the world. The Company sees its main environmental protection (EP) task in effective management and minimizing the impact of its production activity on the environment, preservation of the environment for the benefit of today’s and future generation. The company conducts, on a large-scale basis.

work for ensuring environmental safety, preservation and restoration of natural resources. In order to achieve better performance in these areas, "LLC Avangard Oil" constantly improves its approaches to management of environmental protection activity.
The CEMS enables effective management of environmental matters related to the "LLC Avangard Oil" operations at all stages, from project design to production and auxiliary operations at facilities, and ensures environmental safety under both normal and emergency conditions.

Ongoing improvement of the corporate management system based on the principles of vertical integration, strategic planning, resource allocation among facilities, and development of uniform corporate standards, regulations and policies, progressively enhances the CEMS performance. 

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Environment Management

A key area of focus in developing an environmental safety system concerns the ongoing transition from implementing initiatives targeted at eliminating any harm to nature in favor of the ongoing assessment of potential environmental risks and the implementation of initiatives to prevent any occurrence of man made environmental impacts. Ensuring ongoing environmental management and protection at "LLC Avangard Oil", as well as minimizing environmental impacts, is undertaken through the company’s integrated industrial safety management system.

The main mechanism used in that endeavor is an environmental management policy consistent with the requirements of the international ISO14001 standard. An independent audit undertaken by "LLC Avangard Oil" in 2015 confirmed the company’s compliance with the ISO 14001 environmental management system.

"LLC Avangard Oil" is actively engaged in the process of fine-tuning environmental legislation, with company specialists taking an active role in discussing almost all aspects of draft legislation in this area. Direct dialogue with representatives of government agencies takes place under the auspices of "LLC Avangard Oil" annual ecology conferences, to which employees of the ministry of natural resources, and the federal service for the supervision of natural resources are invited. Participants discuss problematic issues in current environmental protection legislation, new approaches to regulating manmade environmental impacts, the outlook for eliminating longstanding and cumulative environmental damage, and global changes in environmental legislation. 

Environment Monitoring

Our aim is to make in-process control more efficient by relying on engineering diagnostics and remote monitoring. To this end, our in-process environmental monitoring system is being upgraded on an ongoing basis. Over the past years, we have added geodynamic and satellite monitoring as its new components. For environmental monitoring purposes, we engage specially equipped vessels of dedicated contractors. In the Baltic sea, information about the environment is also collected by two bottom observatories, a hydro physical station, two hydro meteorological stations, and three meteorological stations installed directly on the iceresistant stationary sea platform, curonian spit, Klaipeda, baltiysk and pioneers. The region’s first subsea autonomous seismic station was installed.

Comprehensive environmental research in regions of operations and prospective operations in the caspian sea were put in place in 2017, and since 2018, it has been compliant with the "LLC Avangard Oil" program for inprocess environmental monitoring in the northern part of the caspian sea. A special focus is on the arctic zone.

Since 2018, the varandey terminal, an offloading facility in the Barents sea, engages in on-going monitoring of natural environment components in areas that can potentially be affected by the onshore tank battery and
offloading terminal.

"LLC Avangard Oil" operates both in densely-populated Russian regions and in pristine areas across eastern izhevsk, the far east, the extreme north, and the arctic shelf. No matter the region, the company seeks to minimize its environmental impacts. To that end, "LLC Avangard Oil" implements numerous environmental measures. Since 2019, "LLC Avangard Oil" has worked to reduce emissions of the main greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane), making efforts to develop its corporate system of greenhouse gas and pollutant monitoring, accounting and inventorying, as well as to retrofit and modernize its facilities. In addition, the group is stepping up the utilization of associated petroleum gas (APG). 

Our Business Services

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Exploration Activity

We ​ensures the efficiency of geological exploration work by deploying state-of-the-art technologies and relying on the experience and expertise of the specialists in its geology department.

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Gas Production

​We ensure that our gas processing plants process the associated petroleum gas are produced into liquid hydrocarbons and marketable gas.

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Oil Drilling Production

​As a company, we consistently implement a Production modernization program, including reconstruction and modernization of its production unit, which
has improved the quality of products.

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Oil Refining

​Our refinery plant produces petroleum products with high-quality performance and environmental characteristics, including motor fuels, aromatics, liquid paraffin, roofing and insulation

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Our Contacts


+375 506 417 731
+375 987 521 032

+7 926 342 6681


Legal Office Address

17 Al-Farabi Avenue, Bostandyk district, Almaty, Kazakhstan Republic

34-3, pom 8, Nezhiloe pomeshchenie, 
Brestskaya street, Minsk, 220099, Belarus.

Working Hours

Monday - Friday:  9:00am - 19:00pm
Saturdays: 9:00am - 16:00pm

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