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Exploration Activities

LLC Lapasskoe aims to expand its resource base through geological exploration at fields and license areas not only in close proximity to existing transportation and production infrastructure, but also in new potentially prospective hydrocarbon areas. The Company ensures the efficiency of geological exploration work by deploying state-of-the-art
technologies and relying on the experience and expertise of the specialists in its geology department, and the Company’s Scientific and Technical Center located in Ufa Region.

The Company uses a systematic and comprehensive approach to exploration and development of its fields and license areas, from the collection and interpretation of seismic data to the creation of dynamic field models for the placement of exploration and production wells. We employ modern geological and hydrodynamic modeling as well as new well drilling and completion techniques to maximize the ultimate recovery of hydrocarbons in a cost effective and environmentally prudent manner.

A prospecting well discovered at the Ufa field with one gas and six gas condensate deposits. The well tested at a flow rate of up to 200 mcm/day of gas and 100 tons/day of stable condensate (1,000 barrels/day). The field borders next to the well-developed infrastructure of the Vargashi field and is an important discovery for the Company to maintain its production within the pipeline gas area. Aggregate natural gas and gas condensate reserves approved by the State Reserves Commission according to the Russian standards amounted to 21.1 bcm and 1 mmt, respectively. 

Our Business Services

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Exploration Activity

We ​ensures the efficiency of geological exploration work by deploying state-of-the-art technologies and relying on the experience and expertise of the specialists in its geology department.

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Gas Production

​LLC Lapasskoe gas processing plants process the associated petroleum gas produced by LLC Lapasskoe into liquid
hydrocarbons and marketable gas.

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Oil Drilling Production

​LLC Lapasskoe has consistently implemented a Production modernization program, including reconstruction and modernization of its production unit, which
has improved the quality of products.

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Oil Refining

​The refinery produces petroleum products with high-quality performance and environmental characteristics, including motor fuels, aromatics, liquid paraffin, roofing and insulation

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Our Contacts



Legal Office Address

17 Al-Farabi Avenue, Bostandyk district, Almaty, Kazakhstan Republic

460028 , Orenburg region , Orenburg , khabarovsk st., 53, floor 3

Working Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 18:00pm
Saturdays: 9:00am - 16:00pm

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